Friday, October 18, 2013

The alarming high blood pressure symptoms

The alarming high blood pressure symptoms
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Considered a silent killer, high blood pressure can have a dramatic effect on your body system without having a clue about it. The way to tell if you have high blood pressure is to measure blood pressure using an electronic sensor or cuff. This can also be consulting your doctor. Although high BP(high blood pressure) has no visible symptoms, it can be very dangerous if not diagnosed early and do not benefit from early treatment. It is necessary that you know that these signs should be taken under control because the high blood pressure symptoms is not clear.

A high blood pressure symptoms usually causes no signs or symptoms. Although hypertension with no symptoms, it usually occurs slightly vague. Sometimes people with hypertension headache is defined as pain in the head and is associated with the disease. Whether serious or minor illness, which also threatens life.

Dizziness may also be considered as one of the high bloodpressure symptoms. This symptom is usually described in many different and yet difficult to describe feelings and may even cause you to faint. Blurred vision is also seen as a symptom of the disease. Nausea is one of the most exciting feelings symptom that occurs in hypertension.

Most people do not have time to consult their doctor unless they see the symptoms arising not knowing that chronic hypertension can lead to heart attacks, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, blindness and peripheral arterial disease. It is very important to realize and have knowledge about high blood pressure, even without high blood pressure symptoms because sometimes damage to the heart and other organs and blood vessels occurs even without visible symptoms.

Better consult your doctor immediately if blood pressure measurement reads consistently higher than 140 mmHg or less than 90 mmHg and if any symptoms such as pain, high blood pressure unexplained sudden gradual changes in vision, dizziness and vomiting with chest pain and shortness of breath.

It is important that you really have knowledge about the high blood pressure symptoms to prevent and avoid severe hypertension and know the first step if your blood pressure continues to rise. Consultation and research on this disease will be a good help, you are given more treatment options that are not as extreme and difficult to obtain, unlike when the disease is already severe.


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