Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Symptoms of high blood pressure - know some of the signs that you might be facing a premature death

Symptoms of high blood pressure - know some of the signs that you might be facing a premature death
high blood pressure symptoms, symptom of high blood pressure, symptoms high blood pressure, symptoms of high blood pressure,causes for high blood pressure

The big problem with high blood pressure is that the symptoms rarely appear in the early stages when high blood pressure is the first. The high blood pressure symptoms usually occur when blood pressure is so high that death could result in a few months. But the problem is that you might have a much lower blood pressure, but a doubled or tripled risk of heart attack or stroke and not even know it - this is why doctors call this "silent killer."

Extremely high blood pressure around the mark 180/120 will begin to experience symptoms such as shortness of breath or headache, for example. The headache is just a sign of damage to blood vessels. Similarly, when a person is their eyes checked, then the ophthalmologist regularly take a look at an extensive network of tiny blood vessels in your retina. Here are some of the first to be damaged by someone with severely elevated blood pressure.

As I mentioned, shortness of breath is a common symptom, but it is easily confused with something else. After all, you might be a little asthmatic, overweight or just have poor aerobic fitness due to lack of exercise and has exactly the same symptoms. Headaches can also be explained by a number of minor illnesses and even doctors are rarely suspected high blood pressure, although they should do a quick check, because it costs them nothing.

But overall, hypertension rarely present with no symptoms at all. You could do serious damage to the network of blood vessels in your body and your organs over several years and be completely unaware of it. For example, did you know that many people who receive regular kidney dialysis are there because of years of untreated high blood pressure?

Never wait for the symptoms of this disease. If you do a lot of irreversible damage has already been done then. Check your blood pressure regularly and get in line as soon as possible if you find that yours is too high. And if you're already there with what you think are the classic symptoms, then consult your doctor you need to start treatment immediately.


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