Saturday, October 12, 2013

About high blood pressure symptoms

About high blood pressure symptoms
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The big problem with high blood pressure is that it has no symptoms in its early stages. People with blood (HB) high pressure do not feel differently than normal. Although some organ damage has occurred, the symptoms may perhaps significant bot. Even a very high blood pressure that causes severe kidney damage can sometimes be present for several months before they cause any symptoms. But there are some minor signs that may be high blood pressure symptoms HB.

When it reaches about 180/120, and some symptoms may occur: shortness of breath at the slightest exertion or mainly headaches. These symptoms are very common, but they occur more often in people with hypertension HB. Headaches can be a sign or warning of damage to the retina at the beginning or the arteries of the brain, which requires urgent control to prevent serious problems.

Shortness of breath may be the main symptom. It is very difficult to find a single cause, such as shortness of breath may also occur in people who are just overweight. Many people headaches of tension, anxiety and minor viral infections, such headaches are common in people with hypertension HB.

The risk of bleeding arteries in the retina and brain is also increased, especially for people who are over 50. Light bleeding and nosebleeds in the white of the eye can occur in people with hypertension HB, although this type of bleeding is also common for people with normal blood pressure.

Some people also have palpitations (hearing or feeling your fast heart beats) when they discover that they have this condition. So, they assume this can also be a symptom. Palpitations often not because it is a symptom, but because of the fear of high blood pressure. Others note that their heart seems to miss a beat and the pulse looks rough. But in reality, they have nothing to do with the disease itself.


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