Factors and high blood pressure symptoms
High blood pressure can lead to serious complications
such as heart disease, kidney problems and stroke. To
avoid these health problems, it is better that we understand the high blood
pressure symptoms and learn to prevent harm us.
High or sometimes called hypertension blood
pressure, occurs when the steady flow of blood from the pumping
mechanism of the heart are blocked or limited due to the thickening of the
artery walls. The blood can not pass through these arteries are sometimes
becomes rigid due to the loss of elasticity.
Without oxygen and other nutrients that are coming as well
as blood, disrupts normal blood flow and blood pressure arises.
Factors that result in blood pressure include smoking, poor diet,
stress, heat or humidity, less exercise, sleep deprivation, obesity, aging,
heredity, alcohol and sometimes environment.
Different high blood pressure symptoms are as follows.
-Vision problems
- Sudden blackout
- Pain in the back of the neck
- Dizziness
-Heart palpitations
- Hard to say
To understand hypertension, there are two numbers,
you need to be aware. The first is the systolic pressure, which represents the
heart activities such as pumping blood. The other face is the diastolic
pressure. Normal blood pressure is as 120/80-139/89 mm Hg
Beyond this range is considered to have high blood pressure. Use any
device hypertension once you or your loved once met one of its high
blood pressure symptoms.
To avoid experiencing hypertension, you must learn to
live a healthy life. Never smoke cigarettes and moderate alcohol consumption
you. Avoid sugary foods and cholesterol in all price and eat more vegetables
and fruits. Avoid contact with the stress from all sources, as it can lead to hypertension.
In addition, losing weight and exercising more often.
Hypertension can be prevented with appropriate
information and care for our health. Remember that hypertension is a
prelude to many deadly diseases, which is why it is very important that we
avoid having this disease at all costs.
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